Cricut Contributing Artist Series: Sarah Bailey
Sarah Bailey, a vibrant and multi-faceted artist from California, has had a lifelong passion for creativity. Sarah’s artistic journey began crafting posters and designing captivating logos from a young age. She’s done everything from video game art to digital masterpieces (even teaching art at a local elementary school for years!). When she discovered Cricut’s Contributing Artist Program (CAP), she couldn’t resist the opportunity to be part of this exciting community. In this artist spotlight, we explore how Sarah’s penchant for painting, sewing, drawing (and more!) reflects in her designs.
How did you find Cricut, and why did you decide to join the Contributing Artist Program?
I have been an artist my entire life, from video game art to paintings and digital art. I came to design cut files almost fifteen years ago and love the creativity it provides so many. When I heard about the CAP, I was so excited to join the team at Cricut. It’s all over our local craft store, and to be able to create for them is something I take pride in.
Where did your artistic journey begin?
I made posters, designed yearbook covers, and even logos from primary school. In high school, I started a business painting murals and later went to college for graphic design. I have worked as an artist ever since and even taught art at the local elementary school for seven years. Art is who I am.

What does creativity mean to you?
Creativity is a matter of expression. Using art, I can show who I am and what I have to say in ways I might not be able to otherwise. Creative expression is my love language.
Who or what inspires you to create, and why?
My need to create is a drive; it’s how I clear the clutter in my head and process the things happening in my life. My family, my friends, and my experiences in this world are always the fire in the lantern for whatever light I get to cast in the world.

What is your favorite type of craft?
This is not a fair question! I love all of it. I paint, I sew, I draw, I garden, I design fabric, logos, sports banners, and so much more. What am I proud of? Many things. But leading several classes of 4th and 5th graders in a collaborative painting to benefit Rhinos that is now hanging in the White House is a pretty cool feather in my cap.
What word would you use to describe your design style?
I am constantly pushing myself, growing, and learning new things. My artistic style represents that. I’m goofy but serious at times. I’m chaotic, but I love organizing things, too. You will find all kinds of designs in my profile, but they all reflect this hectic, wonderful life I am blessed to lead.
How do your friends describe you?
My friends would describe me as ‘the cheesy one.’ I would be voted most likely to wear an obnoxious amount of green on St. Patrick’s Day, send valentines to my adult friends, and still make mummy dogs on Halloween every year.

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
If I were a superhero, I would want to be able to stop time. First of all, I AM NOT a morning person, so the sleeping-in aspect is priceless. But more importantly, I am an “experience” person; I love sunsets, BBQs, and going to random local fairs. To get more of that time, any time with the people I love would be the best thing in the world.

Sarah’s portfolio is a delightful mix of her chaotic yet fabulous life. Head over to her profile and find all of the fun images she has created for celebrating all of life’s moments.
Show us what you make with Sarah’s designs, and make sure to tag #cricut on social.
Interested in seeing more Contributing Artist images and designs? Check out all of our artists in Design Space!